Levels Of Support

Level 3: Supervised

1. All residents come in on level 3. This is our most active, structured level of support.

2. Includes daily (M-F) morning meditation from 9-10am. (residents are excused if they have IOP, work, or school during this time)

3. Includes weekly NVR meetings with the whole community on Monday evenings.

4. Includes weekly individual apartment community meetings on Mondays before the NVR meeting.

5. Includes weekly Recovery Dynamics group.

6. Includes weekly one on one life skills & recovery coaching with their counselor.

7. Includes random drug screening & breathalyzers a minimum of twice weekly.

8. Includes collaboration between staff, therapists, IOP/PHP, and family members.

9. Residents are asked to attend a meeting a day for 90 days. NVR meetings can count.

Level 2: Monitored

1. After the initial 90 days, residents are eligible to apply for level 2.

2. Level 2 is not guaranteed after 90 days. Each resident is considered on a case by case basis and must have the support of the community & staff to move forward.

3. Includes weekly NVR meetings with the whole community on Monday evenings.

4. Includes weekly individual apartment community meetings on Mondays before the NVR meeting.

5. Residents are given the freedom to decide which Recovery Dynamics meetings they will attend each month (minimum of twice monthly)

6. Residents are given the freedom to schedule twice monthly recovery coaching with their counselor.

7. Residents are given the freedom to attend a minimum of 5 meetings a week. NVR meetings can count.

8. Residents are able to maintain a daily schedule of work, volunteer activities, or school at a minimum of 30 hours per week.

9. Level 2 residents are considered “Senior Residents” and are viewed as role models to newer residents.


Recommendations for Family Members

1. Visit narronline.org & tnarr.org

These are the websites for the National Alliance of Recovery Residences & the Tennessee Alliance of Recovery Residences.

You will find many resources on these websites. Look for:

a. the Primer & FAQ on Recovery Residences.

b. NARR standards 3.0

c. NARR code of ethics

2. Ask questions!

a. What level of support does this residence provide?

b. What can I expect from staff? What kind of groups and one on one support is provided? Is the residence certified?

c. What is included/provided in the program fees?

d. What kind of communication will I receive along the way?

e. Is there a staff member living onsite? Is there a designated staff member available at all times for emergencies?

3. Most importantly, seek out support for yourself. Addiction is a family disease.

There are many resources, including Al-Anon, CoDA, Nar-Anon, etc. We also recommend having a therapist for yourself.


Policy on Passes

1. Eligibility:

a. Must be living at NVR for at least 30 days.

b. Must have a sponsor or mentor

c. Must be adherent to the guidelines

2. In the first 90 days, residents will be eligible for up to 2 consecutive nights at a time, on non-consecutive weekends.

3. Residents will be asked to fill out and submit a pass request at least one week in advance of the pass.

a. Includes meetings with addresses

b. Address of place you will be staying

4. Residents will present the pass request to the community and receive feedback. Passes will not be considered without community support.

5. All passes must be given final approval by staff.